モジュール:Infobox MOS

提供: Xenharmonic Wiki
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このモジュールについての説明文ページを モジュール:Infobox MOS/doc に作成できます

local p = {}
local utils = require('Module:Utils')
local rat = require('Module:Rational')
local mos = require('Module:MOS')
local et = require('Module:ET')
local infobox = require('Module:Infobox')
local kbvis = require('Module:Keyboard vis')
local tip = require('Module:Template input parse')
local tamnams = require('Module:TAMNAMS')

-- TODO:
-- Adopt new functions
-- Add back xenpaper links (low priority)

-- Helper function
-- Concatenates the contents of two tables into one
-- This doesn't have a return value; rather, the first table passed has the
-- second table's contents added to it.
function p.concatenate_tables(t1, t2)
	for i=1, #t2 do
		t1[#t1+1] = t2[i]

-- Helper function
-- Create a keyboard visualization, based on the Halberstadt keyboard layout
function p.kb_vis(input_mos)
	local input_mos = input_mos or mos.new(5, 2)
	local brightest_mode = mos.brightest_mode(input_mos)
	local vis = ""
	if input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns < 40 then
		vis = kbvis.vis_small(brightest_mode)
	return {{vis}}

-- Helper function
-- Adds categories
function p.categorize(tuning)
	local tuning = tuning or "5L 2s"
	local input_mos = mos.parse(tuning)
	-- Add to category of abstact mosses
	local categories = "[[Category:抽象MOSパターン]]"
	-- Add notecount category if the notecount is greater than 3
	local notecount = input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns
	if notecount > 3 then
		categories = categories .. string.format('[[Category:%d音音階]]', notecount)
	-- If the mos is octave-equivalent, add appropriate tamnams-named categories
	-- Otherwise, add to nonoctave category
	if rat.eq(input_mos.equave, rat.new(2)) then
		-- Caveats:
		-- - Only octave-equivalent mos names are used as categories.
		-- - Monowood and biwood are excluded (for now).
		-- - Mosses whose notecounts > 10 and periods < 5 are categorized under
		--   the closest tamnams-named ancestor.
		local ancestor_mos = mos.find_ancestor(input_mos)
		local tamnams_name = tamnams.lookup_name(ancestor_mos)
		if tamnams_name ~= nil then
			categories = categories .. string.format('[[Category:%s]]', tamnams_name)
		categories = categories .. '[[Category:非オクターブ]]'
	return categories

-- Helper function
-- Creates adjacent links for mos, found by +/-1 large or +/- small steps
function p.adjacent_links(input_mos)
	local input_mos = input_mos or mos.new(5, 2)
	local equave_as_long_string = ""
	local equave_as_string = ""
	if not rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 2) then
		equave_as_long_string = string.format(" (%s-equivalent)", rat.as_ratio(input_mos.equave))
		equave_as_string = string.format("⟨%s⟩", rat.as_ratio(input_mos.equave))
	local adjacent_links = {
		string.format("[[%dL %ds%s | ↖&#x202F;%dL %ds%s]]", input_mos.nL-1, input_mos.ns-1, equave_as_long_string, input_mos.nL-1, input_mos.ns-1, equave_as_string),
		string.format("[[%dL %ds%s | ↑%dL %ds%s]]", input_mos.nL  , input_mos.ns-1, equave_as_long_string, input_mos.nL  , input_mos.ns-1, equave_as_string),
		string.format("[[%dL %ds%s | %dL %ds%s&#x202F;↗]]", input_mos.nL+1, input_mos.ns-1, equave_as_long_string, input_mos.nL+1, input_mos.ns-1, equave_as_string),
		string.format("[[%dL %ds%s | ←&#x202F;%dL %ds%s]]", input_mos.nL-1, input_mos.ns  , equave_as_long_string, input_mos.nL-1, input_mos.ns  , equave_as_string),
		string.format("[[%dL %ds%s | %dL %ds%s&#x202F;→]]", input_mos.nL+1, input_mos.ns  , equave_as_long_string, input_mos.nL+1, input_mos.ns  , equave_as_string),
		string.format("[[%dL %ds%s | ↙&#x202F;%dL %ds%s]]", input_mos.nL-1, input_mos.ns+1, equave_as_long_string, input_mos.nL-1, input_mos.ns+1, equave_as_string),
		string.format("[[%dL %ds%s | ↓%dL %ds%s]]", input_mos.nL  , input_mos.ns+1, equave_as_long_string, input_mos.nL  , input_mos.ns+1, equave_as_string),
		string.format("[[%dL %ds%s | %dL %ds%s&#x202F;↘]]", input_mos.nL+1, input_mos.ns+1, equave_as_long_string, input_mos.nL+1, input_mos.ns+1, equave_as_string),
	-- Links that contain either "0L" or "0s" when the parent's L/s-count is 1
	-- refer to degenerate mosses (either 0L or 0s), whose links should be made
	-- blank instead.
	for i = 1, #adjacent_links do
		local number_of_periods = utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
		local is_null_large = string.find(adjacent_links[i], "0L") and input_mos.nL == 1
		local is_null_small = string.find(adjacent_links[i], "0s") and input_mos.ns == 1
		if is_null_large or is_null_small then
			adjacent_links[i] = ""
	return adjacent_links

-- Helper function
-- Produces section entries for scale sturcture
-- Section is returned as a jagged array and return value must be merged into
-- a larger array.
function p.scale_structure(input_mos)
	local input_mos = input_mos or mos.new(5, 2)
	local equave_as_string = rat.as_ratio(input_mos.equave)
	local equave_in_cents = rat.cents(input_mos.equave)
	local number_of_periods = utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
	local period_as_string = ""
	if number_of_periods == 1 then
		period_as_string = equave_as_string
		local ed = et.new(number_of_periods, input_mos.equave)
		period_as_string = et.backslash_display(ed, 1)
	local period_in_cents = equave_in_cents / number_of_periods
	local step_pattern = string.format("...%d steps...", input_mos.nL+input_mos.ns)
	if input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns <= 40 then
		local brightest_mode = mos.brightest_mode(input_mos)
		step_pattern = string.format('<abbr title="Brightest mode">%s</abbr><br><abbr title="Darkest mode">%s</abbr>', brightest_mode, string.reverse(brightest_mode))
	local section_header = "構造"
	local section_entries = {
		{string.format("<b>%s</b>", section_header)},
		{"[[音程パターン]]", step_pattern},
		{"[[オクターブ]]", string.format("%s (%.1f¢)", equave_as_string, equave_in_cents)},
		{"[[ジェネレーターとピリオド|周期]]", string.format("%s (%.1f¢)", period_as_string, period_in_cents)}

	return section_entries

-- Helper function
-- Produces generator ranges for scale
-- Section is returned as a jagged array and return value must be merged into
-- a larger array.
function p.generator_sizes(input_mos)
	local input_mos = input_mos or mos.new(5, 2)
	local number_of_periods = utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
	local bright_gen = mos.bright_gen(input_mos)
	local dark_gen   = mos.dark_gen  (input_mos)
	local equalized_ed = et.new(input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns, input_mos.equave, "")
	local collapsed_ed = et.new(input_mos.nL, input_mos.equave, "")
	local bright_min_in_steps = et.backslash_display(equalized_ed, bright_gen['L'] + bright_gen['s'])
	local bright_max_in_steps = et.backslash_display(collapsed_ed, bright_gen['L'])
	local dark_min_in_steps   = et.backslash_display(collapsed_ed, dark_gen['L'])
	local dark_max_in_steps   = et.backslash_display(equalized_ed, dark_gen['L'] + dark_gen['s'])
	local bright_min_in_cents = et.cents(equalized_ed, bright_gen['L'] + bright_gen['s'])
	local bright_max_in_cents = et.cents(collapsed_ed, bright_gen['L'])
	local dark_min_in_cents   = et.cents(collapsed_ed, dark_gen['L'])
	local dark_max_in_cents   = et.cents(equalized_ed, dark_gen['L'] + dark_gen['s'])
	local section_header = "ジェネレーター"
	local equave_annotation = ""
	if rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 3) then
		equave_annotation = '<sup><abbr title="In steps of edt">(edt)</sup>'
	elseif rat.eq(input_mos.equave, rat.new(3,2)) then
		equave_annotation = '<sup><abbr title="In steps of edf">(edf)</sup>'
	elseif not rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 2) then
		local equave_as_ratio = rat.as_ratio(input_mos.equave)
		equave_annotation = string.format('<sup><abbr title="In steps of ed%s">(ed%s)</sup>', equave_as_ratio, equave_as_ratio)
	local section_entries = {
		{string.format("<b>%s</b>%s", section_header, equave_annotation)},
		{"[[高輝度]]", string.format("%s - %s (%.1f¢ - %.1f¢)", bright_min_in_steps, bright_max_in_steps, bright_min_in_cents, bright_max_in_cents)},
		{"[[低輝度]]", string.format("%s - %s (%.1f¢ - %.1f¢)", dark_min_in_steps, dark_max_in_steps, dark_min_in_cents, dark_max_in_cents)},
	return section_entries

-- Helper function
-- Produces ranges small and large steps (currently unused)
-- Section is returned as a jagged array and return value must be merged into
-- a larger array.
function p.step_sizes(input_mos)
	local input_mos = input_mos or mos.new(5, 2)
	local equalized_ed = et.new(input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns, input_mos.equave, "")
	local collapsed_ed = et.new(input_mos.nL, input_mos.equave, "")
	-- Large and small steps
	-- The small step lower bound is basically zero (when collapsed).
	-- The upper bound for a small step and the lower bound for a large step
	-- are the same.
	-- The upper bound of a large step is when the step ratio is collapsed.
	local small_step_min_in_steps = et.backslash_display(collapsed_ed, 0)
	local large_step_min_in_steps = et.backslash_display(equalized_ed, 1)
	local large_step_max_in_steps = et.backslash_display(collapsed_ed, 1)
	local small_step_min_in_cents = et.cents(collapsed_ed, 0)
	local large_step_min_in_cents = et.cents(equalized_ed, 1)
	local large_step_max_in_cents = et.cents(collapsed_ed, 1)
	local section_header = "音程"
	local equave_annotation = ""
	if rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 3) then
		equave_annotation = '<sup><abbr title="In steps of edt">(edt)</sup>'
	elseif rat.eq(input_mos.equave, rat.new(3,2)) then
		equave_annotation = '<sup><abbr title="In steps of edf">(edf)</sup>'
	elseif not rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 2) then
		local equave_as_ratio = rat.as_ratio(input_mos.equave)
		equave_annotation = string.format('<sup><abbr title="In steps of ed%s">(ed%s)</sup>', equave_as_ratio, equave_as_ratio)
	local section_entries = {
		{string.format("<b>%s</b>%s", section_header, equave_annotation)},
		{"[[Step pattern | 最大]]", string.format("%s to %s (%.1f¢ to %.1f¢)", large_step_min_in_steps, large_step_max_in_steps, large_step_min_in_cents, large_step_max_in_cents)},
		{"[[Step pattern | 最小]]", string.format("%s to %s (%.1f¢ to %.1f¢)", small_step_min_in_steps, large_step_min_in_steps, small_step_min_in_cents, large_step_min_in_cents)}
	return section_entries

-- Helper function for a helper function
-- Determines what mos the given mos descends from
-- as well as what step ratio that produces this scale
-- Mosses within the "named range" passed here will return itself
function p.find_mos_ancestor(input_mos)
	local input_mos = input_mos or mos.new(5, 2)
	local z = input_mos.nL
	local w = input_mos.ns
	local generations = 0
	-- For an ancestral mos zU wv and descendant xL ys, how many steps of size
	-- L and s can fit inside U and v? (basically the chunking operation)
	local lg_chunk = { nL = 1, ns = 0 }
	local sm_chunk = { nL = 0, ns = 1 }
	while (z ~= w) and (z + w > 10) do
		local m1 = math.max(z, w)
		local m2 = math.min(z, w)
		-- For use with updating ancestor mos chunks
		local z_prev = z
		-- Count how many generations
		generations = generations + 1
		-- Update step ratios
		z = m2
		w = m1 - m2
		-- Update large chunk
		local prev_lg_chunk = { nL = lg_chunk.nL, ns = lg_chunk.ns }
		lg_chunk.nL = lg_chunk.nL + sm_chunk.nL
		lg_chunk.ns = lg_chunk.ns + sm_chunk.ns
		-- Update small chunk
		if z ~= z_prev then
			sm_chunk = prev_lg_chunk
	return mos.new(z, w, input_mos.equave), lg_chunk, sm_chunk, generations

-- Helper function
-- Produces section entries for tamnams info
-- Conditions for tamnams info inclusion:
-- - Scale is octave-equivalent.
-- - Scales within the "named range" (6-10 notes, or is 1L 1s or 2L 2s) have
--   a tamnams name.
-- - Scales with a notecount greater than 10 and no more than 5 periods have
--   a tamnams-named ancestor.
-- - Scales with a notecount greater than 10 and more than 5 periods don't have
--   a tamnams-named ancestor, but will report what nL ns mos they descend from.
-- Section is returned as a jagged array and return value must be merged into
-- a larger array.
function p.tamnams_information(input_mos)
	local input_mos = input_mos or mos.new(5, 2)
	local scalesig = string.format("%dL %ds", input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
	local notecount = input_mos.nL + input_mos.ns
	local number_of_periods = utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
	local tamnams_name   = tamnams.lookup_name  (input_mos)
	local tamnams_prefix = tamnams.lookup_prefix(input_mos)
	local tamnams_abbrev = tamnams.lookup_abbrev(input_mos)
	local is_octave_equivalent = rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 2)
	local is_within_named_range = tamnams_name ~= nil and notecount <= 10
	local is_root_mos = input_mos.nL == input_mos.ns
	local section_header = "TAMNAMS"
	local section_entries = nil
	if is_octave_equivalent then
		if is_within_named_range then
			-- Mos has a tamnams name
			section_entries = {
				{string.format("<b>%s</b>", section_header)},
				{"[[TAMNAMS#Mos_pattern_names | 名称]]", tamnams_name},
				{"[[TAMNAMS#Mos_pattern_names | 接頭辞]]", tamnams_prefix .. "-"},
				{"[[TAMNAMS#Mos_pattern_names | 略記]]", tamnams_abbrev}
		elseif not is_within_named_range and notecount > 10 and not is_root_mos then
			-- Mos is a non-root mos and has a tamnams-named ancestor
			local ancestor_mos, lg_chunk, sm_chunk, generations = p.find_mos_ancestor(input_mos)
			local ancestor_scalesig = mos.as_string(ancestor_mos)
			local ancestor_long_scalesig = mos.as_long_string(ancestor_mos)
			local ancestor_name = tamnams.lookup_name(ancestor_mos)
			-- Helper code for finding mos ancestor and relation to it
			local num1 = lg_chunk.nL + lg_chunk.ns
			local den1 = sm_chunk.nL + sm_chunk.ns
			local num2 = lg_chunk.nL
			local den2 = sm_chunk.nL
			local first_ancestor_step_ratio = ""
			local second_ancestor_step_ratio = ""
			if num1/den1 < num2/den2 then
				first_ancestor_step_ratio = string.format("%d:%d", num1, den1)
				second_ancestor_step_ratio = string.format("%d:%d", num2, den2)
				first_ancestor_step_ratio = string.format("%d:%d", num2, den2)
				second_ancestor_step_ratio = string.format("%d:%d", num1, den1)
			-- Step ratio range as text
			local step_ratio_range = string.format("%s to %s", first_ancestor_step_ratio, second_ancestor_step_ratio)
			-- Step ratio range as a named range
			local named_range = step_ratio_range
			if step_ratio_range == "1:1 to 2:1" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (soft-of-basic)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "2:1 to 1:0" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (hard-of-basic)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "1:1 to 3:2" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (soft)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "3:2 to 2:1" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (hyposoft)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "2:1 to 3:1" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (hypohard)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "3:1 to 1:0" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (hard)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "1:1 to 4:3" then
				named_range= named_range .. " (ultrasoft)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "4:3 to 3:2" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (parasoft)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "3:2 to 5:3" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (quasisoft)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "5:3 to 2:1" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (minisoft)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "2:1 to 5:2" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (minihard)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "5:2 to 3:1" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (quasihard)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "3:1 to 4:1" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (parahard)"
			elseif step_ratio_range == "4:1 to 1:0" then
				named_range = named_range .. " (ultrahard)"
			local ancestor_entry = string.format("[[%s | %s]]", ancestor_long_scalesig, ancestor_scalesig)
			if ancestor_name ~= nil then
				ancestor_entry = ancestor_entry .. string.format(" (%s)", ancestor_name)
			section_entries = {
				{string.format("<b>%s</b>", section_header)},
				{"Descends from", ancestor_entry};
				{"Required step ratio range", string.format("%s", named_range)}
	return section_entries

-- Helper function
-- Adds a section for scale names
function p.other_names(other_names)
	local other_names = other_names or { "p-chromatic", "hard diatonic" }
	local section_header = "別名"
	if #other_names == 0 then
		return nil
		local scale_names = ""
		for i=1, #other_names do
			scale_names = scale_names .. other_names[i]
			if i ~= #other_names then
				scale_names = scale_names .. "<br>"
		local section_entries = {
			{string.format("<b>%s</b>", section_header)},
			{"Name(s)", scale_names}
		return section_entries

-- Helper function
-- Produces section for related scales
-- Section is returned as a jagged array and return value must be merged into
-- a larger array.
function p.related_scales(input_mos)
	local input_mos = input_mos or mos.new(5, 2)
	local parent_mos = mos.new(math.min(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns), math.abs(input_mos.nL-input_mos.ns), input_mos.equave)
	local sister_mos = mos.new(input_mos.ns, input_mos.nL, input_mos.equave)
	local soft_child_mos = mos.new(input_mos.nL+input_mos.ns, input_mos.nL, input_mos.equave)
	local hard_child_mos = mos.new(input_mos.nL, input_mos.nL+input_mos.ns, input_mos.equave)
	local neutral_mos = input_mos.nL>input_mos.ns and mos.new(input_mos.nL-input_mos.ns, input_mos.ns*2, input_mos.equave) or mos.new(input_mos.nL*2, input_mos.ns-input_mos.nL, input_mos.equave)
	local soft_floght_mos = mos.new(input_mos.nL*2+input_mos.ns, input_mos.ns, input_mos.equave)
	local hard_floght_mos = mos.new(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns*2+input_mos.nL, input_mos.equave)
	local parent_scalesig = string.format("[[%s | %s]]", mos.as_long_string(parent_mos    ), mos.as_string(parent_mos    ))
	local sister_scalesig = string.format("[[%s | %s]]", mos.as_long_string(sister_mos    ), mos.as_string(sister_mos    ))
	local soft_scalesig   = string.format("[[%s | %s]]", mos.as_long_string(soft_child_mos), mos.as_string(soft_child_mos))
	local hard_scalesig   = string.format("[[%s | %s]]", mos.as_long_string(hard_child_mos), mos.as_string(hard_child_mos))
	local neutral_scalesig   = string.format("[[%s | %s]]", mos.as_long_string(neutral_mos), mos.as_string(neutral_mos))
	local soft_floght_scalesig   = string.format("[[%s | %s]]", mos.as_long_string(soft_floght_mos), mos.as_string(soft_floght_mos))
	local hard_floght_scalesig   = string.format("[[%s | %s]]", mos.as_long_string(hard_floght_mos), mos.as_string(hard_floght_mos))
	local number_of_periods = utils._gcd(input_mos.nL, input_mos.ns)
	local is_nL_ns = input_mos.nL == number_of_periods and input_mos.ns == number_of_periods
	if is_nL_ns then
		parent_scalesig = "none"
		sister_scalesig = sister_scalesig .. " (self)"
		equave_suffix = ""
		if rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 2) then
			equave_suffix = "o"
		elseif rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 3) then
			equave_suffix = "t"
		elseif rat.eq(input_mos.equave, rat.new(3, 2)) then
			equave_suffix = "f"
		elseif rat.is_harmonic(input_mos.equave) then
			local a, b = rat.as_pair(input_mos.equave)
			equave_suffix = a
			equave_suffix = rat.as_ratio(input_mos.equave)
		neutral_scalesig = string.format("[[%ded%s]]", input_mos.nL*2, equave_suffix)
	local section_header = "関連する音律"
	local section_entries = {
		{string.format("<b>%s</b>", section_header)},
		{"[[Operations_on_MOSes#Parent_MOS | 親]]", parent_scalesig},
		{"[[Operations_on_MOSes#Sister_MOS | 姉妹]]", sister_scalesig},
		{"[[Operations_on_MOSes#Daughter_MOS | 娘]]", soft_scalesig .. ", " .. hard_scalesig},
		{"[[Operations_on_MOSes#Neutralization | 平滑化]]", neutral_scalesig},
		{"[[Flought_scale | 分割]]", soft_floght_scalesig .. ", " .. hard_floght_scalesig}
	return section_entries

-- Helper function
-- Produces simple equal tunings
function p.equal_tunings(input_mos)
	local input_mos = input_mos or mos.new(5, 2)
	local bright_gen = mos.bright_gen(input_mos)
	local mos_as_vector = {
		['L'] = input_mos.nL,
		['s'] = input_mos.ns
	local step_ratios = {
		{ 1, 1 },
		{ 4, 3 },
		{ 3, 2 },
		{ 5, 3 },
		{ 2, 1 },
		{ 5, 2 },
		{ 3, 1 },
		{ 4, 1 },
		{ 1, 0 }
	local step_ratio_names = {
	local section_header = "平均律チューニング"
	local equave_annotation = ""
	if rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 3) then
		equave_annotation = '<sup><abbr title="In steps of edt">(edt)</sup>'
	elseif rat.eq(input_mos.equave, rat.new(3,2)) then
		equave_annotation = '<sup><abbr title="In steps of edf">(edf)</sup>'
	elseif not rat.eq(input_mos.equave, 2) then
		local equave_as_ratio = rat.as_ratio(input_mos.equave)
		equave_annotation = string.format('<sup><abbr title="In steps of ed%s">(ed%s)</sup>', equave_as_ratio, equave_as_ratio)
	local section_entries = {
		{string.format("<b>%s</b>%s", section_header, equave_annotation)},
	for i = 1, #step_ratios do
		local step_ratio = step_ratios[i]
		local ed_size = mos_as_vector['L'] * step_ratio[1] + mos_as_vector['s'] * step_ratio[2]
		local gen_size = bright_gen['L'] * step_ratio[1] + bright_gen['s'] * step_ratio[2]
		local ed = et.new(ed_size, input_mos.equave)
		local ed_as_string = et.as_string(ed)
		local ed_no_prefix = et.new(ed_size, input_mos.equave, "")
		local ed_as_string_no_prefix = et.as_string(ed_no_prefix)
		local gen_in_steps = et.backslash_display(ed_no_prefix, gen_size)
		local gen_in_cents = et.cents(ed, gen_size)
		local caption = string.format("[[%s]] (L:s = %d:%d)", step_ratio_names[i], step_ratio[1], step_ratio[2])
		local text = string.format("[[%s | %s]] (%.1f¢)", ed_as_string, gen_in_steps, gen_in_cents)
		table.insert(section_entries, { caption, text })

	return section_entries

-- New "main" function
function p._infobox_mos(tuning, other_names_unparsed)
	local tuning = tuning or "5L 2s"
	local other_names_unparsed = other_names_unparsed or ""
	local tuning_parsed = mos.parse(tuning)
	local other_names_parsed = tip.parse_entries(other_names_unparsed) or tip.parse_entries(other_names_unparsed, ',')
	local sections = {}
	-- Keyboard visualization
	local kb_vis = p.kb_vis(tuning_parsed)
	p.concatenate_tables(sections, kb_vis)
	-- Scale structure section
	local scale_structure = p.scale_structure(tuning_parsed)
	p.concatenate_tables(sections, scale_structure)
	-- Interval range section
	--local step_sizes = p.step_sizes(tuning_parsed)
	--p.concatenate_tables(sections, step_sizes)
	-- Generator sizes section
	local gen_sizes = p.generator_sizes(tuning_parsed)
	p.concatenate_tables(sections, gen_sizes)
	-- Tamnams info section, if applicable
	local tamnams_info = p.tamnams_information(tuning_parsed)
	if tamnams_info ~= nil then
		p.concatenate_tables(sections, tamnams_info)
	-- Other names section, if applicable
	local other_names_section = p.other_names(other_names_parsed)
	if other_names_section ~= nil then
		p.concatenate_tables(sections, other_names_section)
	-- Related scales section
	local related_scales = p.related_scales(tuning_parsed)
	p.concatenate_tables(sections, related_scales)
	-- Equal tunings section
	local equal_tunings = p.equal_tunings(tuning_parsed)
	p.concatenate_tables(sections, equal_tunings)

	-- Adjacent links
	local adjacent_links = p.adjacent_links(tuning_parsed)
	return infobox.build_multilink(tuning, sections, adjacent_links)
	--return sections

-- Wrapper function
function p.infobox_MOS(frame)
	local tuning = frame.args['Tuning']
	local other_names = frame.args['othernames'] or nil
	local debug_mode = tonumber(frame.args['debug']) == 1
	local result = p._infobox_mos(tuning, other_names)
	if not debug_mode then
		result = result .. p.categorize(tuning)
	return result


function p.tester()

	local prev_link = "5L 1s"
	local next_link = "5L 3s"
	local entries = {
		{"最も明るいモード", "LLLsLLs"},
		{"周期", "2\1 (1200¢)"},
		{"Bright generator range", "4\7 (685.7¢) to 3\5 (720¢)"},
		{"Dark generator range", "2\5 (480¢) to 3\7 (514.3¢)"},

		{"音階名", "diatonic"},
		{"プレフィックス", "dia-"},
		{"略称", "dia."},

		{"親MOS", "2L 3s"},
		{"姉妹MOS", "2L 5s"},
		{"子MOSes", "7L 5s, 5L 7s"},
		{"平滑MOS", "3L 4s"},
		{"2分割MOS", "12L 2s, 5L 9s"},

		{"Supersoft (L:s = 4:3)", "15\\26 (692.3¢)"},
		{"Soft (L:s = 3:2)", "11\\19 (694.7¢)"},
		{"Semisoft (L:s = 5:3)", "18\\31 (696.8¢)"},
		{"Basic (L:s = 2:1)", "7\\12 (700¢)"},
		{"Semihard (L:s = 5:2)", "17\\29 (703.4¢)"},
		{"Hard (L:s = 3:1)", "10\\17 (705.9¢)"},
		{"Superhard (L:s = 4:1)", "13\\22 (709.1¢)"},
	return infobox.build_multilink("5L 2s (2/1-equivalent)", entries)

return p